Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Camp Jam's Film Week A Hit!

The Film Commission sponsored 4 kids' participation in the Walkers Road Church of God's Camp Jam film project last week. The key instructor, Nate Norris, is a graduate of New York Film School and he used the time to give the enthusiastic 12-18 year olds an introduction to film making. At the end of the week, they produced three short films: Park Bench, Air Jesus and Robbery 101.

Here's a brief summary of the week's activities:
Monday - Nate took the kids through different camera shots and showed them a short film called Lucky to demonstrate what a short film was. He then illustrated how to use the camera and asked them to come up with a short film idea. They brain stormed and came up with "The Park Bench". They directed, filmed, and acted out the different parts of the film.

Tuesday and Wednesday: - These two days was used as script writing days. Nate divided the group into two groups and appointed leaders to work with their team and come up with a short film idea and a commercial. The commercial that they came up with was Air Jesus and the short film was called Robbery 101.

Thursday: Costumes were provided for the kids and they reviewed their Air Jesus idea. From 1:00 to 2:30 they shot the commercial on location at Cox's basketball court. Reports are that their dedication to get the right shot done was simply amazing!

Friday: There was a location shoot for Robbery 101 at the Walkers Rd. Texaco. This idea was one of a robbery gone bad, it was really funny.

From all reports, the experience was an eye opener to the film industry for many of the teens who participated and youth minister, Pastor Felix, was happy that the young people stepped up to the plate and allowed their creativity to really shine.

The CIFC was happy to help send these four kids to camp.

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